Terms and definitions

What is REACH ? REACH is the chemical regulation in the EU, that intends to protect human health and the environment from risks posed by chemicals.
What do you mean by ""substance"" ? A single chemical. Most liquid products are mixtures of several substances.
For example: wind screen wash fluid contains water, perfume and degreaser.
What is an SVHC ? REACH created the SVHC acronym, which stands for Substances of Very High Concern. The aim is to promote better communication with regards to SVHCs and ultimately, eradicate them entirely from the European market.
A substance is an SVHC if it meets at least one of the following criteria (Article 57):
- CMR substance, category 1A or 1B (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic or toxic to Reproduction)
- PBT substance (Persistent, Bio-accumulative and Toxic)
- vPvB substance (very Persistent and very Bio-accumulative)
- Substance of equivalent concern (example: endocrine disruptors)
What is a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) ? The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a mandatory passport for industrial hazardous chemicals (substances/mixtures). Drafted by manufacturers or supplier, the SDS is given to downstream users at no charge.
An SDS is mandatory when the substance or mixture is hazardous or assessed PBT, vPvB or SVHC (under REACH).

Access to information

Do I need a login to make a substance search ? The first time you access a document on this webiste, you will be aksed to enter your contact information. For all next substance searches, you will not have to login.
Whenever there is an update on one of your previous consultations, you will receive an update by email on your registered email address. You will be able to deactivate these updates if you wish.
What do you do with my contact information ? Whenever there is an update on one of your previous consultations, you will receive an update by email on your registered email address. You will be able to deactivate these updates if you wish.
What is the difference between the types of documents on this website ? This website provides information on substances present in the Nissan product(s) that you buy, and recommendations for their safe use.
What does the smartphone app do ? Flash-SDS is Nissan's innovative solution for quick access of REACH documents like Safety Data Sheets (SDS), Reference Labels and Safe-Use Instructions. Just open the app and flash the bar code displayed on your packaging : the associated documents (SDS, Reference Label, Safe-Use Instruction) are directly accessible through your smartphone!
The Flash-SDS application can be downloaded free-of-charge from iOS (iPhone) and Android online stores.
Do I have to pay for the information ? Absolutely not, Nissan provides this information to our customers and end-consumers free of charge.
Can my local dealer assist me to find substance information ? Yes, please visit your nearest dealership for any assistance. The dealer can help you to fill in the online form requesting Nissan for detailed or specific substance enquiries.
Can I ask a question about my substance allergy ? Use the online form to ask questions about the use and/or application of a product.
Can I ask a product or substance-related question ? Use the online form to ask questions about the use and/or application of a product.
Do I have to fill all search fields when searching for substance information ? Nissan has provided multiple search criteria so that you can use the one of your preference when searching for information. You may use one or more criteria when searching for information.

Other questions

Are you facing technical issues ? Please contact our technical team
Document is not available in required language Use the online form to request for document in a missing language.
Request for product literature / data sheet Use the online form to ask questions about the use and/or application of a product.
If I have other questions, where should I go ? Please get in touch with our local consumer support in your country.